I was surfing at La Fonda K58 in Baja Norte. It was a decent swell, but the middle of the week, so I was alone. Way out, maybe a half mile, I saw a whale blow. I thought to myself, I'm surfin with the whales...cool! A minute late, two dolphins jumped outa the water on either side of me. This of course surprised me, but then a baby whale about the diameter of a refrigerator popped up right in front of me, about 10 feet from me. Its body was vertical and it was looking at me. It rose and sank, then wagged its tail to rise again. I recognized immediately that it had been playing with the dolphins and come upon me, and was an innocent baby. It was like, what are you? It hung with me a couple minutes, just bobbing. I'll NEVER forget its eye. Eventually, i noticed an island came up to my right a hundred meters to the north...Mom. Then I looked back to the baby and spoke to it a bit, then another island to the south, closer, perhaps 50 meters...Dad. The adult to the south started slowly rolling towards me, like a giant dog with fins bigger than doors.The baby was still hangin with me. I had so much adrenaline flowing that I didn't put two and two together, instead I thought hmmmm... that what looks irritated...maybe its trying to shed barnacles, but then the waves from the whale started to actually hit me as it continued to approach. Fortunately, I small set came through and I caught a wave in hooting the whole way. What a day! I'll never forget it. I hope my little friend has had a great life.